Home senior care Budapest
Found 42
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Gabriella P.
Gabriella P.
- Document verified
I have taken care seniors for some years. After my father was ill and I took care him till he died. I am currently taking care of an elderly uncle. As a ceramist I have worked w...

Bernadette C.
Bernadette C.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Bernadette, a special education teacher assistant. I spent two years at two different homes of the Albert Schweitzer Reformed Home for the Aged, and I also went on ho...

Zsuzsanna F.
Zsuzsanna F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hi everyone! I am Zsuzsi from Budapest. I am studying to be a teacher of english language and arts and besides that I am taking care of children. I would like to gain some exper...

Barbara L.
Barbara L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I'm an easy going person! I have experience from the past from retirement home where i did charity work!

Dorottya É.
Dorottya É.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Sajnos egy éve vesztettem el a nagymamámat, ezért az életemből hiányzik a ,,nagyi” figura, nagyapáimat se volt szerencsém ismerni. Szívesen segítenék bevásárlásban, orvoshoz kís...

Fruzsina K.
Fruzsina K.
- Document verified
Egészen gyerekkorom óta jelentős időt foglalkoztam az idősebb korosztállyal, mivel szoros kapcsolatot ápoltunk nagymamámmal az utolsó napjáig. Elkísértem sétákra, boltba avagy é...

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